Sunday, December 14, 2008

A little about Taiyuan...

Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi province. It is a city of 3 million people and its largest industry is coal mining. The weather is sunny, but there is an obvious haze in the sky. This area has the highest cancer and black lung rate in the country.

Yesterday we went shopping at the open market. We bought some odds and ends for cheap. We are going back today with Emma (so exciting!) to get some clothes for her.

We are scheduled to get Emma at 3pm today. Our goal is to stay as busy as possible until it is time to go get here. The only problem is that it is 4am now. That is a long time to fill!

Here are some photos of the city last night.

Our hotel

Christmas decorations

flower lights at the city park


gifts for the orphanage Director and nannies

Emma's crib


Tiffany and Marty said...

Hello! My husband and I are adopting from China as well. Our son should be in the orphanage with your child. We are still waiting on our LOA. We hope to receive it before Christmas. I hope you do not mind us following your blog. It is wonderful to be apart of each others journey. Our son is He Liang. We are praying for you and are thrilled that you will receive your angel tomorrow. Please post all the details. Our blog is
Thanks! Tiffany

kimi said...

YEAH!!!!! I can't wait to see her! I have her stuff, just need your address. ;) have fun!