Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fourth of Four Halloweens

No pictures from the third Halloween. It was at her Little Gym and there were a lot of people in a small space, so she was a little overwhelmed. I ended up holding her most of the time.

After swimming today we went out to lunch with Grandpa. All of the waitstaff was dressed up in costumes. Our waitress was a witch with dark make up. Emma first commented on her hat then told her that, "No color on your face, color on paper."

We started our trick or treating by going to downtown Puyallup with two families from Emma's old childcare. Emma quickly caught on to the concept of saying "trick or treat" then receiving candy and was so happy each time she got a candy. Emma loved the bouncy house and band playing at an empty lot. Two things Emma loves, jumping and music. She was rocking out.

After dinner we went around the neighborhood. Again, she got so excited when someone gave her a candy. She was very good about taking only one candy. One man told her to take a handful after she took one, so she took one more. As we were crossing the street his wife came running our of their house with a huge handful of candy and said that she was so cute and that she should have more candy and pretty much filled Emma's bucket up.
Another woman said that she was so cute and took her picture. Luckily Emma doesn't truly understand the power she has over people.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Second of Four Halloweens

Today Emma and I went to a pumpkin patch with another Army family. The weather was cool and dry, which was nice since our weather has been pretty wet lately. And Emma got to see animals, which she loves.

Emma liked the goats. She didn't want to feed them or touch them, she just wanted to watch.

Monday, October 19, 2009

First of Four Halloweens

My dad and I took Emma to a Halloween event at the zoo. As you can see, she is a doctor. When we were choosing her costume we were looking at her options. The girl costumes consisted of bugs and fairies. She doesn't like bugs and doesn't know what a fairy is, so she didn't like those options. The boy options were community helpers such as police, doctors, firefighters. Since she has the most knowledge about doctors, that is what she chose.

Emma loves to "look amals" (look at animals) and she got to ride a camel. She was so excited.

She also liked the shark tank. My dad called them fish and Emma corrected him, "Shark, silly Gagu."