Sunday, January 25, 2009

One Month

I can't believe it, Emma has been home for a month! She is so amazing.

The English words she knows are;
Emma - "Mema"
up - "uppa"

down - "dah"




bye-bye (with a wave) - "da da"


night night - "no na"


Her favorite things to do are;

play dress-up, especially accessories. (hats, necklaces, bracelets)

playing with junk mail (she is constantly putting paper in and out of the envelopes and figuring out what fits into each envelope)

playing with cars (she even makes the car noices)
coloring and balancing crayons on their ends

and climbing, climbing, climbing.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Emma's surgery

Emma's surgery is scheduled for February 3rd. She will have her foot and ankle amputated and her femur and tibia straightened.

I am very nervous. She is so strong and resilient that I am sure she will bounce back, but I don't want my baby to be in pain.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Little Miss Pretend Play and Independent

Emma's pretend play is getting very elaborate and it is so fun to watch.

Tonight we were playing up in Emma's playroom and I gave her a yogurt cup and a spoon. She automatically started pretending to eat from the cup. She then went over to the little table and sat down to eat some more. She pretended to put something into the cup, mixed it up then ate some more. She put one of her babies into the play high chair and another baby onto the second chair and started pretending to feed them. She then started going to the refrigerator and getting more containers. She gave one cup to each of the babies and a few for herself. She was getting up and down off of the chair by herself and walked around on her knees to get things.

She is starting to get frustrated that she cannot walk. She tries to walk, but since her legs are so different in length it is just too hard. She can side-step while holding onto something, but for any real distance she has to crawl or walk on her knees. This is why we are looking for her to get her surgery sooner rather than later. Not being able to walk is very hard for our little independent girl.

Speaking of independence. The last couple of weeks Emma has started wanting to do everything herself. She wants to wash herself in the bath (so much so that I have to hide the soap after awhile or she will use the whole container in one bathtime) and today she wanted to brush her own teeth. Considering that I don't think she had ever brushed her teeth before we got her, this is big. She hated toothbrushing for quite awhile.

You know, I say awhile a lot, but Emma has only been a part of our family for 24 days. Not even a month. Hard to believe.
Here are a couple of pics I took tonight.

A photo I took the night before Ba Ba (Daddy in Mandarin) left. We miss him a lot.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A Great Day

Emma had a great day today. Yesterday she was a little cranky all day, but today she was so happy and interacting with everyone she met.

We had our first appointment with a pediatric orthopedist this morning. We got lucky and a nurse squeezed us in so that Jake could be at the appointment before he goes back to school. We have a second opinion appointment next week. It went a lot better than we thought. We were worried because Emma's right femur is shorter than her left. From the pictures we received with her medical info we thought it was just her fibia and foot. The doctor said that what she has is the most common malformation and bone bending is common. He would be able to straighten the bones and would only need to amputate the ankle and foot. Yeah! She even flirted with one of the doctors! This is the first time we have seen her flirt and she chose a doctor, she aiming high, good girl!

We also met with an in-home childcare provider today. She is only licensed for 6 children which is great because we think Emma will do better in a small group. The provider has a couple of babies and one other two year old. She will start when Jake goes back to school next week. And she literally lives three minutes from our house.

Emma has been trying new things and found out today that she can climb up onto the speaker in our living room. I had to take pictures.