Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Things

There wasn't much to report on for awhile, now there is a lot.

#1 The most important!

Jake and I switched from trying to adopt from Viet Nam to China. More accurately, we have switched back to China.

We had originally looked at China, but since Jake wasn't 30 yet and I know the Viet Namese culture more we decided on Viet Nam. But then stories of corruption surfaced and the future of adoption in Viet Nam is shakey so we were uncomfortable with the situation. Since Jake was so close to turning 30 we talked to our agency which also works with China and we ended up looking at their Waiting Child list, which means that the children have special needs and we fell in love. Jake is completely and totally smitten.

We sent a letter of intent to adopt to China at the beginning of December saying that we wanted to adopt this specific child and today we got the authorization letter from China saying that she is ours!!!

We should be traveling in 4 to 6 months. Which is great because Jake is leaving for Alabama in 6 months, so he should be able to travel to China with me. Which brings me to #2.

#2 Jake is going to Alabama

Jake is changing his MOS or job in the Army. He has been a medic since he joined and now he will be going to EOD school in Alabama for 2 1/2 months then on to Florida for 6 months. Which means that as soon as we get home from China with our daughter Jake will be leaving for school for 9 months.

#3 Leah is going to school also

I have been accepted into a program that is sponsored or funded (I'm not exactly sure) by the state for leaders in early childhood education. It is a six month program that is mostly on-line, but I have to attend three three day trainings around the state during that time.

#4 And if that wasn't enough

I will be sending out invitations to participate in a project that I will be starting soon. It is a Chinese tradition to put together a 100 wish quilt before a baby arrives. I will be starting this in about a month or so.

I cannot post a full picture of our daughter yet, since she is not officially our daughter until we sign the paperwork in China, but here is a glimpse. If you email me privately, I will be able to send a full photo to you.